The Many Benefits of Office Partitioning

When you’re designing and constructing a new office, or renovating an existing office, the layout of the office should be a vital consideration. How your office is divided can have a key impact not only on the office’s appearance and functionality, but on the safety and morale of your staff. Here at Central Storage Systems Ltd we are experts in providing office partitioning systems that take into account all of these factors.

While installing office partitioning walls in your workspace isn’t a decision that should be taken lightly, it can have many benefits if handled correctly. But what are some of those benefits? Here are five advantages that we can come up with that can come from an office partitioning job if it is done well.


So often, an open plan office can seem busy, cluttered and even overwhelming. Think of the hive of activity that would associate with a busy news room – great for its purpose, but not always the clearest in its layout.  Well placed office partition walls can separate your office, giving it a sense of clarity and organisation. You can obtain office partition screens by themselves, or, even better, as part of a wider office plan that considers the individual needs of your workplace.


In a larger, open-plan office, it can be hard to get some time to concentrate with so much temptation to talk to colleagues and get involved with the latest office gossip. While this can be fun and good for employee morale, it can negatively impact on productivity. Office partition walls between desks can improve your colleagues’ concentration by reducing the risk of spontaneous chatter between teams, allowing them to focus on the task at hand.


While keeping people focused is all well and good, of course you don’t want them to feel isolated or, even worse, imprisoned at their desk. Handily, office partition screens can still feel spacious. Many office partitioning walls can be created with single or double glazed windows, with the further option of integral blinds for privacy should you need it.


The image often associated with office partition walls is the cold American cubicle, which for some will feel like a dystopian nightmare! Thankfully, most office partitioning systems are far warmer affairs. While the standard finish of an office partition wall includes vinyl with aluminium cover strips and black PVC skirting, you can always plump for a taped, jointed or painted finish to give your wall more personality.


As office partition walls divide an office into segments, it’s important that they are safe so the people working in them can feel secure in case of emergency. The right office partition wall will come with a correct fire rating according to the material it is made from. With this knowledge in mind you can be sure that your office partitioning system will keep your staff safe and allow them to escape easily should the worst occur.

Contact us

Here at Central Storage Systems Ltd our team of specialists are adept at not only designing blueprints for office partitioning systems but also seeing through their construction. So if you’re interested in freshening up your business’ office, why not contact us today? We’d be delighted to answer any questions you may have.