Five Reasons To Get Partitioning Walls For Your Business

At Central Storage, we not only provide our customers with mezzanine flooring and staircases, but we also supply and install partitioning walls and screens for offices and warehouses, including industrial partitioning systems. Today we’re going to look at five reasons why your business would benefit from implementing these systems.


One of the main reasons for installing partition walls and screens is to separate different parts of a big office into individual departments, as well as providing offices for those times where it’s necessary to hold private business meetings, for example. Not only does the organisation of these spaces provide a better environment visibly, but it also helps employees concentrate without the distraction that can occur without these systems.


Having partitions also enables employees to personalise their workspace, increasing their well-being and happiness whilst at work. A family photo can give people something to look forward to at the end of the working day, and a reminder of why it’s necessary to work hard. Other elements of personalisation can give a sense of identity as an individual as well as part of a team. This small factor will forge better relationships between colleagues, and increase productivity.


The idea of privacy is an essential element when it comes to good business acumen, and having private places for business meetings is just one of the ways in which partitioning walls and screens can be a worthwhile investment. When thinking of the design, it’s also possible to hide computer screens for better information security when necessary. Any sensitive information and accounts can be kept safe from the lingering eyes of either other employees or visitors. When you have accounts and HR departments, this becomes a vital issue to consider.


There may be particular areas that you use for different purposes, including storage spaces. Even when it comes to the storage and organisation of individual spaces, it can make a world of difference when using partition walls and screens to provide a more ordered base for elements such as monitor arms, trays, shelves, and desk tidies. Encouraging a clean and tidy work space means that desk surfaces are kept clear, and productivity improves.

Better Workspace

Large offices can be broken up otherwise empty plans. It’s possible to use partitions to divide up different departments. Depending on your requirements, it’s possible to define these departments through the partitions, whilst still feeling like everyone is part of one big team. It’s also possible to manufacture our systems from reinforced mesh, providing great visibility and enabling plenty of natural light to flow through the building. This creates a more positive workspace, and in turn, a more productive workforce. 

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about our industrial or office partitioning walls from Central Storage, please get in contact with us through our web contact form or via email us at You can also reach us directly by calling us on 01299 251374. A member of our specialist team will be happy to help you with any queries you may have for us.